+6 votes
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in Markets by (330 points) 1 flag

4 Answers

+1 vote
its not hard to find good local dealers, do not trust the web
by (1.9k points)
+1 vote
by (260 points)
+1 vote
If you wanna buy something normal might as well go for a normal legal site outside of darkweb but if you want to buy something illegal then you gotta do your research and test the sites by buying some cheap things. The only few sites that are legit are mostly drug and weapon selling ones. I know some people personally who bought stuff like that on daarkweb so at least there are few legal sellers (maybe not for what you're looking for tho)
by (340 points)
Could you give any legit weapon selling site ?
+1 vote
Sorry to say, but all Deep Web escrows are fake, the only ones you can trust are those from the market or from the seller (IF THIS MARKET/SELLER IS LEGITIMATE), never from third parties, they will always be fake.
by (320 points)

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