+2 votes
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Need to borrow 70K US.
in Drugs & Other vices by (140 points)

3 Answers

–1 vote

Wells Fargo.

Dont try to scam buddy. Cause no stranger is going to be like YEAH I WANNA SEND AN INTERNET GUY 70K.

If you really need money and want to put your life on the line. Hit my tele @lainpharma
by (6.0k points)
Wait....lain, you are some internet person and I sent you money, and yup....you scammed me.  Stupid me, right, I know, but I am just trying to get the word out that you are a scammer as well!  Lain will tell you what you want to hear and make everything very very believable, but in the end, they will scam you.  Don't believe what this user says.
0 votes
yo im making a group for people to share information. ONLY SHARE INFORMATION. i will never ask u to buy anything or send you to someone who is "legit" from what im learning its a scam 100% of the time i dont want your money i want to figure out how to card and its alot of work doing it by myself

hmu in tele @gravygianno
by (1.4k points) 1 flag
+1 vote
It's called military - you get paid to kill and die...
by (5.0k points)