+3 votes
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i am a person filled w curiosity and would like to surf the web properly just dont know how to yet any help... just no ***** or p's lol
in Tor by (450 points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Use tails os, using a vpn is not a good idea with tor as it just means shifting your trust to your vpn provider so unless you want to hide the fact you are using a vpn from your isp, some vpn you may try are mullvad vpn, private internet access etc, some alternatives to tails OS in case you don't like it would be kodachi linux or Qubes OS, if installing a whole new OS is not something you want to do, be sure to always turn your java script to false, webrtc connection disabled and try not to download shit from unknown ppl or sites, don't use tor in full screen and the list goes on but just don't do these and you should be good if all you do is browse and not have a hidden service of your own or if you are not  a vendor
by (20.7k points)
selected by
+1 vote
Use a VPN

Enjoy the things u like, Use wikis to find sites
by (21.2k points)
any recommendations for vpns
+1 vote
Use whonix/tails for the os
If you need an good vpn use (MullvadVPN)
by (7.0k points)

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