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I have stolen credit cards at my disposal, I would need someone to explain the most effective method to make online purchases. taking a site with no 3D security like "Ebay" as an example, how can I purchase without being refused payment ?

example :
i have a french card available, i set the vpn in france and use ebay.fr but the payment is still refused despite it being a cc LIVE.

if anyone knows how to do this i would like to know

(I should have the package shipped to another country)

in Technology by (140 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
First of all usually a vpn isn't enough and you need a proxy from THE SAME REGION of the card.

Next you have various options:
- you find a website that doesn't have 3d security. Today it is VERY VERY hard, especially if you want to transfer in crypto.

- you order a card that is not relatable to you,use a merchant service disabling 3d secure(Stripe could be a good idea but you have to bypass KYC) and finally you can create a fake payment through the merchant from the stolen card to your card.After done that you can try to take the money on websites like coinbase(again you have to bypass KYC) and transfer in crypto or you can withdrawal money through the ATM.
by (28.7k points)
i know that there are people who buy these stolen cards and take iphones and other valuables. for testing purposes i also tried to buy a couple of them and managed to get a subscription on netflix without too many problems. I also tried to make a purchase on ebay that almost worked out for me, unfortunately shortly after that the shipment was cancelled.
+2 votes
Learn about bins, not all card will work in all sites
by (20.7k points)

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