+5 votes
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  • I have decided to make a return to the underground web by putting my services back out there. They are very simple and most if not all don’t even require bitcoin. I do take payments through baby of those other apps. I can do this because the things I can help with aren’t necessarily illegal just maybe frowned upon. Here’s options:

              - spy on anyone remotely (laptop is easiest, iPhone, any device that the person has connected to any wifi. But must be in wifi

              -if you live in the Tristan’s area, I can bring you on ride alongs for stalking whoever you may like. 

              -this one is the most random. But adderal. If you need it, I have practically an endless supply ($25 unless you go bulk)


I for sure forgot some. Ask me and maybe I can help. 

Email me at [email protected]

in Technology by (170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Just stop it

We all know you are scammer

So stop doing this shit
by (18.5k points)