+5 votes
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I’m a chubby 15yo girl, I live in Georgia USA Gwinnett County area. idk just kind of done with this life.
in ***** & relationships by (220 points)

8 Answers

–1 vote
put your all detail age phone no address in dark web forume or here you will get more than just kidnapped
by (390 points)
0 votes
Wanna talk on discord ? I wanna see if you're worth it.
by (140 points)
how about meet in person with me also
0 votes
by (2.6k points)
+1 vote
do you have discord?
by (2.5k points)
+1 vote
Please don't contact anyone here who asked you to contact. Text me on tlegrm (@tmmslmas) and please seek professional help. Life won't be as dark as it is now and you can always change it. Pls don't get into any of this.
by (330 points)
+2 votes
This is a very bad idea. You dont know what you are talking about so just calm down, think about this. But if you really want to, just kill yourself, it will be better than anything that the kidnappers will do.
by (310 points)
+1 vote
it will get better just don't give up on life
by (280 points)
+1 vote

who need s€x slav€

by (2.7k points)

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