+5 votes
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Hi, is there any application or website I can use that can tell me if the card is legit and not dead? and also allows me to see if it has any balance useable?
in Markets by (1.1k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Yes bro, contact me, I will explain better. [email protected]
by (2.6k points) 1 flag
Aight will do.
Did you get the insight you were looking for ?
propably not
+1 vote
The only way to do so is to make a "reserve" transaction [aka. what car rentals will do to freeze an amount as security]...

If that works then the reserved amount is available and was within the daily transaction limit.

Good luck trying that as non-payment provider!
by (5.0k points)
+1 vote
Try renting a car with it - if the card is being accepted the amount needed to pay and deposit was within the balance and daily limit.
by (5.0k points)