+7 votes
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This bastard left me out of nowhere and now is dating another woman, we were married and i need him back, i don't care about love, he is mine, i don't want to see him with anyone else, makes me sick and makes me want to kill him. How can i force, manipulate or anything to get someone back?
in ***** & relationships by (190 points)

5 Answers

+3 votes
In that case I recommend you a psychologist.
by (2.6k points)
+2 votes
forget it and move on

otherwise you will stucked it
by (9.0k points)
+3 votes
Why tho ......
by (5.5k points)
+2 votes
I will be hated, but, whatever, if you want to see my point, it's stupid. Seems like he manipulated you, but, here you go:

1) Don't get mad fast, if you turn mad and he see this, will become clear that you are weak, and weak peoples can't change others.

2) Try to stay close, every relationship have low moments, and in this moments, your target is vulnerable, is YOUR time to attack.

3) You will need to have cold blood, wait for the moment, and, when it happens, just show it like "She abandon you, she hurt you and you choose to suffer, it's your choice, everything, is just your choice."

4) Yes, the idea it's not put the problem on the girl, because, if you do this, he will forget she, and search for another one, again and again, show that HE is the problem, and the only one who really want to adapt to him, is YOU.

5) If you want to make it happen faster, search about that girl's life, EVERYONE has a secret, think about what do, and make happen, i trust you.

Also, i like women like you, is exciting, well, if you REALLY want to try another thing, just like to have a new friend and make better things then just run around of someone, mail me (my email is on my profile)
by (28.9k points)
yooo its full story though
+1 vote
Try to be nice with him

don't get angry

love him (truly)

Show that u care bout him
by (21.2k points)

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