+2 votes
1 view
I want to trade my extensive files of personal nudes for some *****
in ***** & relationships by (150 points) 1 flag

5 Answers

0 votes
Hi i am 13m if you want :)
by (1.0k points) 1 flag
Hey, check the wall on your profile
add me on wickrme: anormalguy090
0 votes
Hey, i would love to, im also 14m. Check your wall on your profile
by (280 points) 1 flag
add me on wickrme: anormalguy090
+1 vote
just shoot yourself
by (2.0k points) 1 flag
0 votes
I'm on bchat wanna bchatbd43c610b9d0a22fdbaab03ff2c8392248513832d2111b4e934649a72d60158d4f

I'm 16m
by (1.4k points) 1 flag
0 votes
feel free to contact me via the data in my profile
by (2.7k points) 1 flag

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