+5 votes
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I am looking for A very experienced legit hacker. I lost over 87k dollars from scammers pretending to be hackers. I have been searching for a real very experienced legit hacker since 2019 but all i found were scammers. I know how to hack but the things that I want is very hard I can't explain it here because I know that there are some FBI agents here so I need A very experienced legit hackers that I can give them missions to complete it for me. I am the most hated by the government for a unfair reason the government hate me so much for A UNFAIR reason. If you are a legit hacker and very experienced then email me: [email protected]

Note: if you are a scammer then don't even think about messaging me because I will know if you are a scammer or not. I am very experienced at detecting scammers.
in Technology by (320 points)

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