+6 votes
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im not here for lies or anything , i legit need money or else i will be kicked of my own house i have 30 days left and i currently need ~800$ , i could get a job but the highest pay for a job is 300$ here , i dont want to do anything illegal to earn money , so please if you can help me this is my USDT wallet adress , please dont dox me or hack me im begging you : 0xdb1c578824a90bc07b1cc641fe673e6ed9ccec1d , USDT-ERC20 .
in Crypto by (180 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (27.0k points)
+1 vote

if i had money i would help :(( but!! i will try helping you with giving you some ideas to pass this hard time!!

* make a 20 day plan on Saving 800$ or more Break it down into smaller achievable goals to make it less overwhelming try stopping the unnecessary expenses stuff :) cook at home instead of eating out if you can :D

 * try taking on a side job or part time alongside your main job with that way if one goes down you dont have to start from the beginning you can do like or get ideas from this vid [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEqi3VVLYkg] (you can run it on 1.25 to get the main idea of it)

* try learning and getting some skills/experiences from every job you get cuz it will help you later on your life or another jobs (like cooking you will can cook good foods for you in house and can use this skill on other jobs that need to know how to cook like McDonalds?)

* Remember to take care of yourself too! >:( Don't overwhelm yourself with stress and worry take a time to relax or do some stuff you enjoy, talk to friends and family for emotional support :) Keeping a positive mindset and taking care of your well-being can give you the strength and resilience for later challenges

i know they might be just basics and everyone knows it but it can help! :D you can read about the Financial knowledge for more information on saving and that stuff =)

by (1.0k points)
+1 vote
I don't have money right now, but I can give you things that you can sell, if you are interested let me know
by (20.3k points)
yo dm me on tele; kageto69