+12 votes
1 view
in ***** & relationships by (290 points)

6 Answers

+2 votes
i liek anime bcs big booobas
by (340 points)
best comment ever seen anywhere, i liek booooooobas
0 votes
anime is good, but i don't watch it that often nwn
by (3.4k points)
I see it bc your pfp btw how did you do taht it dosent work at me
tap on your username in the top then press edit my profile and upload the image with safari if your on a iphone
+1 vote
Anime like Dragonball give me some *****hood memories.
by (270 points)
0 votes
feet nyan

i want yui from k-on to step on me
by (300 points)
+1 vote
Good memories with anime
by (320 points)
+1 vote
I do like anime, maybe cuz i like stories in general. But i like the visual representation of things known as tits and fights.
by (1.2k points)