+4 votes
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I've been looking into this quite a while still don't know quite a bit so I'll keep researching but Till then I  would like to know where I could talk to ppl . . . basically a social media idk if darknet versions of popular websites would allow discussions that might be illegal or just too weird for clearnet so any sites like that or confessions website would be helpful thanks!
in Misc by (170 points) 1 flag

2 Answers

+1 vote
Look into verifying PGP keys before you get too involved, also obviously never download anything off tor.

As for discussions, people used to confess stuff on certain questions on here, it wasn't super common though. Other than that, there's forums like Dread (down atm), BreakingBad, and plenty of other forums, you can use TheHiddenWiki or Torch search engine to find some of them.

Here's the link for torch:

As another rule of thumb though, don't open any random links either (I realize that's ironic to say now)
by (960 points)
+1 vote
by (27.1k points)

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