+5 votes
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I want to buy a Macbook off the dark web, but I'm wondering weather it's easy to get scammed.
in Markets by (230 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
It depends, dont buy from Torbuy, its a scam. I can provide you with legit sellers. Mail on my profile
by (6.4k points)
+1 vote
I suggest you it's better if you do carding and buy it from clearnet bro

Way safer and cheaper to do so
by (1.4k points)
+1 vote
You will need to do your research and make an educated guess before buying. Nearly all darknet shops will take non-reversible payments, don't pay what you aren't willing to lose.

I don't recommend buying off the darknet unless you're really desperate for it and need something illegal. A Macbook isn't one of those things and it's not worth shopping for a bargain on here.
by (910 points)