+7 votes
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For a long time, people have been hurting me and I see that they don't really care about me. Even though I did everything for them, I didn't get anything in return, so I deleted everyone and now I continue this struggle alone. My question is why would people betray you?
in ***** & relationships by (280 points)

5 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

It is how mankind is
we are the monsters

by (2.8k points)
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–1 vote
by (27.0k points)
+2 votes
Human i the most cruel animal in the world, it's very normal, and i understand you.
by (28.9k points)
+1 vote
It's all about finding the right people my friend, you simply chose to surround yourself around the wrong people. Although it hurt's you can use this experience to make sure this doesn't happen again by not allowing yourself to become to wrapped or even js not getting involved with people who share multiple traits with the people who've hurt you. I hope your struggle in life becomes easier as you find yourself people who you wish to go through the struggle of life together with.
by (410 points)
+1 vote
people are weird sometimes :3
by (3.4k points)

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