+6 votes

6 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
The New World Order, or NWO, is about a secret group of world leaders—particularly powerful individuals and corporations—are working behind the scenes to impose their own world order. Theres lots of ways to explain this with different definitions but their mostly similar.

These elites and their global cabal of associates want to establish a single, unified world government in which they hold sole power and authority.The elite's ultimate goal is to control and rule humanity, often through tyrannical means by brainwashing them and using the matrix system. It is a new social or political regime or system designed to replace the current order, and supposed to give the elites even more power than the they currently do.

This one world government would be the ultimate form of control, where a small group of people have absolute power over the rest of the world. A lot of people argue that the elites are already well on their way to establishing it and i think the same.
by (3.3k points)
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we all need to prepare our self for whats going to happen
+6 votes
All the country in the world becomes one and one goverment rules the world
by (20.7k points)
Thats true. But not a religious one
–5 votes
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by (9.2k points)
–4 votes
Ban Islam. Thats the future
by (6.1k points)
trust, if islam and christianity have anything in common its that the new world order is to prepare us for the antichrist,
+1 vote


by (12.6k points)
–1 vote
I think this well defines NWO and also tells you the history off it.
by (1.8k points)