2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
Watergate scandal

Abu Ghraib prison *****

Agent Orange in Vietnam

Almost did operation northwoods

My Lai massacre


Iraq genocide

Illegal mass surveillance of American citizens by NSA and other intelligence agencies

Lying about Iraq having WMD's

Black jails

Operation Condor

Being a big reason why ISIS exists (they should have left the middle east and all that oil alone)

Guantánamo Bay

The NSA monitors all kinds of stuff on internet and cellphone activity. They can gather information without a warrant. They can spy on people and monitor their activities remotely.

Theres a massive list of responses that could be said to this.
by (620 points)
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+4 votes
Their even more corrupt than we can imagine or guess since we dont know how many crimes and unjust things they have hidden. For example the documents for operation northwoods were revealed to the public I think it was because it wasnt classified anymore. Now think of the amount of other documents like this for other reasons that if they were exposed or declassified to the public imagine how many other corrupt things would get exposed and revealed.
by (3.3k points)
free country my ass