+1 vote
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I know this isn't a place to ask for advice but im in this group of friends and sometimes they leave the group as a joke or out of annoyance, only to get added back a few minutes later. I left the group for the first time 2 days ago as a joke and im yet to be added back, I thought we were close but they haven't even spoken to me since then, what should i do? Should i just stop talking to them, or ask to be added back?
in Misc by (620 points)
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3 Answers

+2 votes
Try to be more friendly with them
But if it does not work get rid of them and find new friends (there's 8 billion people)

(get rid of the things that do not let u happy )
by (21.2k points)
+1 vote
Those People are not your friends I'd think.
by (160 points)
+1 vote
Stop talking to them, mfs are not worth it, do what truly matters, work on yourself
by (20.7k points)